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Saturday 28 May 2011

maxa agaya:): eNjOe YoUr ChIlDhOoD aGaIn....

maxa agaya:): eNjOe YoUr ChIlDhOoD aGaIn....: "Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. Child hood memories, the p..."

eNjOe YoUr ChIlDhOoD aGaIn....

Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.

Child hood memories, the pranks we played in school,
Sharing our luch box, teasing teachers and all…
Yeh Daulat Bhi Lelo, Yeh Shohrat Bhi Lelo,
Bhale Cheenlo Mujhse Meri Yeh Jawani, Magar Mujh Ko Lauta Do,
Who Kagaz Ki Kashtii, Who Barish Ka Pani
Bachpan Ki Who Yadein,
Dostoa Ke Saath Ki Gaye Wo Batein,
Yaad Hamien Aaj Bhi Aati Hai,
Din Me Jaate The School ,
Aur Shararat Bhari Raatien….
So EnJoY yOuR cHiLDhOoD aGaIn WiD yOuR cOlOuRfUl MeMoRiEs..!!!!!

Friday 27 May 2011

maxa agaya:): GiFts IdEAs To MakE yOuR oCcAsIoN SpEcIaL....!!!

maxa agaya:): GiFts IdEAs To MakE yOuR oCcAsIoN SpEcIaL....!!!: "If you are planning for a special gift for someone, you need not wait for any occasion to show your love. A romantic gift on any occasion wi..."

GiFts IdEAs To MakE yOuR oCcAsIoN SpEcIaL....!!!

If you are planning for a special gift for someone, you need not wait for any occasion to show your love. A romantic gift on any occasion will make the memorable.Its worth that effort if it can make someone smile. Gifts can come in a form of chocolates, flowers, jewelries, electronic gadgets or even a day out together.

Jewelry Gift Ideas

Sweet Love Notes or Love Cards


Flower Gift Ideas

Chocolate Gift Ideas

i hOpE u WiLl dEfInEtElY eNjOy YoUr eVeRy OcCAsIon By GiVeN thIs RoMaNtIc GiFtS tO yOuR lOVe OnEs....




Saturday 14 May 2011

dOnT mind nOw CoMPuTeR WiLl AlSo MaKe JoKE oV uU....

Computer now a days can convert impossible to possible..Two computer scientist from university of Washington design a software which gives computer , a sense of humor when a descent sentence becomes a joke , so 4 little words "that's what she said" is added at the end. Researchers have created a programmed and analyze 1.5 million sentences and 57000 literature phrases. They searched for adjectives and verbs with high rate of feelings.The new system named DEVIANT(DOUBLE ENTENDRE VIA NOUN TRANSFER) understand sentence by looking at words and find possibility that they are suitable in "that's what she said" scenario.DEVIANT are successful to received 72% accuracy in their work and are looking forward for 99.5% of improvement...

Thursday 12 May 2011

SciEnCe Of ArTs!!!!

steganography is a type of security in which information is hidden with some source, like a computer scientist might code a message into his programming, a painter might paint a secretive message in his paintings. Water marks are best example of steganography.At first glance there would appear nothing unique but receiver will identify the hidden message.Steganography is known to be science of arts.This technology can be applied on phones,PCs tablets or any other device in which you want to hide your data.....

tEcHnOLoGy fAvOuRs...!!!!!

Technology is not waiting for anybody..do you know what does surrogates means???
its a pictorial way to represent real objects with their side icons, if you press one icon the color will change automatically and if you want to alter the size,just drag the border.In past it was very difficult becoz if you want to make some changes in specific parts so you have to look up for menus and instructions, that's why for easiness,notion of surrogates is introduced so that an advance and more alluring designs can be propose and one can make better use of these opportunities......