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Saturday 14 May 2011

dOnT mind nOw CoMPuTeR WiLl AlSo MaKe JoKE oV uU....

Computer now a days can convert impossible to possible..Two computer scientist from university of Washington design a software which gives computer , a sense of humor when a descent sentence becomes a joke , so 4 little words "that's what she said" is added at the end. Researchers have created a programmed and analyze 1.5 million sentences and 57000 literature phrases. They searched for adjectives and verbs with high rate of feelings.The new system named DEVIANT(DOUBLE ENTENDRE VIA NOUN TRANSFER) understand sentence by looking at words and find possibility that they are suitable in "that's what she said" scenario.DEVIANT are successful to received 72% accuracy in their work and are looking forward for 99.5% of improvement...

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