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Monday 27 June 2011

yArOoN yAhY dOsTI HaYy....

TAKE SOME TIME AND TELL YOUR CLOSE FRIENDS DAT HOW SPECIAL THEY ARE....Appreciate your friends while they are in your life, and thank them for making you a better person. When the time comes for you to part ways, cherish the good times you had together and the value that they brought into your world.

pOeTrY Dedicated t0o FriEnds....

Excllent lines said by a friend
"I have no words 2 explain my friendship"
Because i have got amazing person
who can understand even my silence.         
 Making relation is very simple
but keeping it is very difficult..
If I fail anytime,
give me grace marks n promote
me cause I dnt want2 lose u.
  Life is like a novel.Many chapters read and forgotten.
But there is one I wont forget.
It's the chapter
"I met u and we became friends".

Weathers are few but spring is good, Animals are many but butterfly is lovely, Flowers are too many but rose is beautiful, Foods are thousands but honey is sweet an Friends are much but u r the best.
I may have forgotten to say that I care. I may have failed to open up and share, but though no words have been spoken, my promise of friendship won't be broken .
A friend is one who sees your first drop of tear, Catches the second, Stops the third & turns the fourth into a Smile!!! MY FRIEND ALWAYS Keep Smiling..... 
People say friends are made in heaven & they come in your life, But I made my friend in this world & made my life a Heaven...   

HeY mY fRiEnDZ WiThOut WaSTiNg YoUr TiMe TaKe HeLp Ov MaH pOeTry aNd MaKe Ur ReLaTiOnShiP sTrOnGeR....:)

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